Event Calendar

Post An Event Free!


Organizations post fundraising events. Sell tickets. Spread the word all over Contra Costa County.


Businesses post Live Music, Karaoke, Beer & Wine Nights, Karaoke, Car, Art, and Comedy shows and find new customers.


Guidelines For Use
1. Event must be open to the public
2. Deemed reliable and a good fit for our audience.
3. Complete venue name, address, phone, website, and email address
4. Ticket info. Free or how do people buy tickets?
5. Nice graphic 500x500 pixels is best, .jpg, gif, or .png file types only.
6. No special characters in the text.


# Contra Costa County is given first priority
# Once submitted the publisher will review the listing for its' appropriateness and may delete, edit, before publishing.
# Not all events will be published. Concerns? Call or email if you have a question on suitability.
# Event listings are free and displayed in chronological order. If you want to improve the visibility of the event purchase an ad. Rates start at $79 per week.


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Questions? Email frank@eastcountylive.com or call (925) 325-0934

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Leave blank if only one day.
We recommend an image at least 1200 pixels wide.
Upload jpg, gif, or png.
Contact Info
Event Location
Location Address

