Play $3-$6 & No Limit Texas Hold'Em 7 Days A Week!
New! MLB Happy Hour Fri-Sun 2PM-7PM for the Baseball Season WAHOO!
Thank You Major League Baseball
Visit Website For Complete Game Schedule & Specials.
19th Hole Casino & Lounge, 2746 West Tregallas, Antioch (925) 757-6545

Did you know you can buy homemade craft beers by the bottle, growler and keg in Antioch?
Schooners Grill & Brewery, 4250 Lone Tree Way, Antioch (925) 776-1800
Coupon | www.SchoonersBrewery.com | Map

We Have TWO of these packages @ $24.95 available. Click the ad above or the link below for details

There's always something to do here in East County, if you know where to look, and much of it's FREE!
Mariachi San Miguel Antioch, Today, 6PM;
Win Reno Trip! Karaoke Brentwood, Today, Fri, Sat;
Thursday on the Patio!, Today 6PM;
New! Cigar Trader Thursday, Tonight 4PM;
Brentwood Farmers Market, Sat 5/19;
Meals On Wheels Bowling, Sat 5/19;
Meals On Wheels Golf, Sat 5/19;
10th Annual Senior Health Fair, Sat 5/19;
Undead Betty's Roller Derby, Sat 5/19;
Pittsburg Farmers' Market, Sat 5/19;
New! Miles For Mitts, Sat 5/19;
New! Community Citizenship Drive, Sat 5/19;
New! Walk For A Warrior, Sat 5/19;
New! Sparkle Sunday, Sun 5/20;
Farmers Market Antioch, Sun 5/20;
New! Opportunity Junction Job Training, Mon 5/21;
EJ Phare Taproom Open Mic, Wed 5/23;
Power Partners Networking Meeting, Thr 5/24;
Pittsburg Car Show, Thr 5/24;
New! Blues, Brews & BBQ, Sat/Sun 5/26 & 27;
New! KAT Country 103 Radio Event, Tue 5/29;
Contra Costa County Fair, Wed-Sun 5/30-6/3;
New! Cap's Comedy Night w/Darren Carter, Fri/Sat 6/1&2;
Click Here to See All Events
Click Here to Add A Event Here
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New truckload of tropicals arrived get coupon below. Need help with landscaping stop by or call. We can help!
Perez Nursery & Landscaping, 2601 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood (925) 516-1052
Quality Plants & Landscaping Services at Affordable Prices * CA Lic. #C27-857915
Coupon | www.PerezNursery.com | Map

Print coupons and stretch those dollars! Click and save on AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES, HOME IMPROVEMENT, RESTAURANTS, ENTERTAIMENT and more! Click the NAME OF THE BUSINESS to see the coupon offer.
A1 Transmission, Antioch;
Ace Hardware, Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley & Pittsburg;
American Plumbing, Brentwood;
Bases Loaded Restaurant, Antioch;
CalTech Pest Control, Antioch;
2 Specials Cap's Restaurant, Brentwood;
2 Coupons Celia's Mexican Restaurant, Antioch;
Dragon City, Brentwood;
EJ Phair, Pittsburg;
EastCountyLive.com, Antioch;
Elcenko Chiropractic, Antioch;
Excess Cigar Lounge, Brentwood;
3 Coupons Harvest Park Bowl, Brentwood;
La Pinata, Pittsburg;
3 Coupons Lone Tree Dental, Antioch;
Mac's Old House, Antioch;
Mikes Pastry, Antioch;
Nails By Jimmy, Brentwood;
Pantells Music Box, Antioch;
Paradise Skate, Antioch;
Perez Nursery, Brentwood;
Schooner's Grille & Brewery, Antioch;
Sweeney's Restaurant, Brentwood;
Tred Shed, Pittsburg;
Uno Chicago Grill, Antioch;
19th Hole Casino, Antioch;
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Friday May 18th
70's Rock Show
Saturday May 19th
Allman Step Brothers
Tribute Band
$1.50 Beers Tonight!
No Cover Charge Fun!
Open Mic Jam Thr.
Billy Martini Fri.
Allman Step Brothers Sat.
Schedule your next event in the Left Field Bullpen Patio call 755-4487 for reservations.
Open Thr, Fri, @ 5PM; Sat & Sun @ 12 Noon
Lunch 12-2PM Wed-Fri
All Domestic Beers $3 per pint all day everyday.
Happy hour, 5-7 PM, Domestic beers $2
Craft beers $3, well drinks $3.

400 "G" St., Antioch - (925) 755-(HITS) 4487
Coupon | Website
110 Magazine Story | Virtual Tour

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We have 10 Tickets to sell to this event. Click the photo above or the link below for details.

Summer Leagues Forming Now. Reserve Your Spot, Adult Leagues, Couples Leagues, Youth Leagues Now!
Harvest Park Bowl
5000 Balfour Rd., Brentwood (925) 516-1221
Rock 'n Bowl Coupon | Birthday Party Coupon | Bowling Coupon
Website | See Video | Map | Menu
2012 PBA Northern CA Senior Classic June 17th - 20th
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Free Laundry & Dry Cleaning Picked-Up and Delivered to your Home or Office
All Items are Picked up Monday and
Returned Thursday
Billing Will Be Monthly on your Debit or
Credit Card
There are no minimums on Orders
Same Price as the Store At Your Front Door!
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Picked-Up & Delivered
Dry cleaning; Laundry; Alterations and Repairs;
Household Cleaning; Wedding Gown Restoration and Preservation; Leather Cleaning; Purse Cleaning;
Rug Cleaning; Drapery Cleaning

1860 A Street, Antioch, 925.757.5940
3393 Deer Valey Road, Antioch, 925.788.4698
14810 Highway 4, Discovery Bay, 925.513.8901
For Picked Up (925) 639-CLEN
LamotheCleaners.com | Coupons
See Us on Facebook | Route Application

Check Out These Restaurant Menus! Press (command +) to enlarge Carpaccio Menu Photos
Lone Tree Golf Menu
Humphreys 1 Menu | Humphreys 2 Menu | Cap's Lunch Menu
Cap's Dinner Menu | Mac's Lunch Menu | Mac's Dinner Menu
Riverview Lodge Pg1 | Riverview Lodge Pg2 | Schooners
EJ Phair Menu | La Pinata Menu
Shutters Lunch Menu | Shutters Dinner Menu
Celia's Mexican Food Restaurant Menu
Have a local restaurant? Send us your menu.
Click and Email Us Your Restaurant Menu

Mariachi San Miguel Tonight @ 6PM!

Cancun Platter @ Celia's Mexican Restaurant
Crab, prawns, and chicken sauteed in wine, with onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms then topped with Monterey Jack Cheese and baked. Served with rice and tortillas. Add beans $1
Coupon Offer | Website
Celia's Mexican Restaurant
523 W. 10th Street
Antioch, CA
(925) 754-1355

We Have 4 of these $10 packages for sale. Click the photo above or the link below for details

$1.50 Manhattans Tonight on New York Thursday @ Mac's
More Info

Homemade Minnestrone soup served with lunch and dinner entrees.

Great Food... Great Fun...
Sensational Prices!

Lunches from $4.95 | Dinners from $6.95
Purchase one lunch at regular price and get a second meal of equal or less value for $5 with coupon below.
$2.50 Singles; $3 Doubles; $3.50 Triples
Mac's Old House Restaurant & Bar
3100 East 18th St., Antioch,
(925) 757-9908
$6.95 Coupon | Map | Website
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Or "Pittsburg CA Coupons" or "Brentwood CA Coupons" or "Oakley CA Coupons" and you can see the latest issue of the SPOTLIGHT right there! Isn't that cool?
Starting A New Business? Need a LOGO and WEBSITE? Save time and money and call Frank (925) 325-0934. We'll look at stuff, if you like the work, we'll go over the numbers and then we'll move forward. Guaranteed results!

Found some things AROUND TOWN that interested me and thought you might enjoy
Antioch Herald | Brentwood Press | Romick in Oakley | Oakley Newsletter
110Mag | Delta Sun Times | Bethel Island Chili Cook Off | Taste of the Bayou

Click Photo For Brunch Menu

Click Photo 100oz Beer Tower info
Click Our FACEBOOK link for

E.J. Phair Brewing Co.
A 11 Year Tradition of Microbrewery Excellence
Come for the Homemade Craft Beer...
Stay For The Food & Fun
Now Serving Brunch 10AM-2PM Sat. & Sun.
Happy Hour 3-6 PM Mon-Fri

200 East 3rd, Pittsburg - (925) 252-9895
Menu | Coupon | Website | Map

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Thursday Live Music on the Patio... Tonight it's Delia Colorado
Tonights Patio Specials

At The Lone Tree Golf Course, 4800 Golf Course Rd., Antioch, CA
For Reservations (925) 706-4233
Sample Menu! Four 3 Course Dinners Every Fri/Sat $20 | Weds Pasta | Sunday Brunch
Business Lunch Catering | Business Lunch Catering Pg 2
Father's Day Brunch Menu
Mother's Day Brunch was sold out weeks before Mother's Day. This IS the first public announcement for Father's Day. I want to make sure all us SPOTLIGHTERS get first crack at getting in and getting the time you want. Good luck!

A REAL CONTEST imagine that?
Win A $50 Gift Certificate to Celia's Mexican Restaurant, Antioch
We have always done drawings in the past (keeps things simple) but today is a new day, we are going to reward effort. So answer this question in 100 words or less "How I would spend a $50 Gift Certificate to Celia's?" Entries will be judged on THREE criteria (1) How you plan to spend it; (2) Celia's knowledge; (3) Entertainment Value. Frank is the sole judge (you can scream at me). Yes this is truly subjective but it's my $50 gift certificate and I call the shots. I do promise to post the winning entry so you'll know how I roll. Let's not drag this out too long. Winner announced in the 05/31/2012 SPOTLIGHT. Good luck. As always only East County residents can win so tell us what town you live in on your entry? Enter as many times as you want (but don't be annoying).
Enter Celia's Contest
Tip: Celia's now has a screaming fast WIFI network in the restaurant (if you're looking for inspiration) the password is: antiochcelias

East County Scavenger Hunt
I like the idea of having a East County Scavenger Hunt. For weeks people get clues to where a treasure is hidden. In the end someone finds a nice cache of prizes. I definetly have some ideas. Do you want to help organize it? One of the first things to be done is to write a mission statement. You know, what is the goal for doing it. it could just be for fun or we could have a more noble purpose? Do you have game or do you just want to play?
I Want to Help | I Want to Play

Who Recognizes This Building?
If you want to know follow the link.
Photo Info

Help Celebrate America's Independence Day in Historic Rivertown Antioch this 4th of July
All we are asking for is a $4 donation. Click the links below and feel good about what you did for the rest of the day.
The SPOTLIGHT is provided as a service to the community.
The sponsors take no responsibility for the accuracy of the data here.
It is always advisable to call ahead before attending any event.
All copyrights reserved www.eastcountylive.com.