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Cruise, Eat, Drink
With 39 Close Friends!
A little east of Brentwood is a town called Discovery Bay. The slogan for the town is "Live, And Work, Where You Play!" You are invited to join the Captain at the Discovery Bay marina and have some serious fun cruising 1,100 miles of delta waterways. The Captain offers Wine Cruises, Dinner Cruises, Family and Company Charters, and Overnight Adventures. It's very cool to cruise with the Captain and you are welcome aboard.
Marina Map | The Boat | Dinner Cruises
Captain Morgan's Delta Adventures Website
Yelp Reviews
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Rent a Patio Boat, Triumph Boat, Bass Boat, Fishing Boat, Pedal Boat, or Kayak on Bethel Island!
Sponsored by REALTY WORLD DELTA ISLAND Jerry Fisher, Broker/Realtor, Cal Dre # 00691518 (925) 281-4656

New! Let's Give Little J's in Pittsburg A Nice Warm Welcome and Eat Tri-Tip Sandwiches Everyday for the Next Two Weeks.
This is how it works I scour through East County eating from East to West. When I hit on something I like I hit on them for a ad and a discount. You say "Hey this looks good and check it out." If you like it you share the coupon with your friends. You reward the business, your friends and me. Any questions? Call me (925) 325-0934
Yelp Reviews | Coupon | Map

Contra Costa County Fair Thur May 30th thru Sun Jun 2nd
Thinking of EXHIBITING? Want to SELL PRODUCTS, at this years' Fair? Click photo.

Marcus Lee is Antioch's first McDonalds All American (ESPN ranked him the 18th best high school basketball player in the country). He recieves a full ride scholarship to University of Kentucky. How about that? Marcus goes from Antioch to ESPN. We'd like to see him make it to pro's in a few years and then to the Antioch Sports Legends Museum. Congratulation Marcus wishes you continued success. His teammate Kendall Smith has a full scholarship to UNLV. No wonder the Wolverines kicked butt this year!
See Marcus Lee video
Do you have a passion for youth sports? Did you attend Antioch High School? Deer Valley? Has sports prepared you for adult life in a positive way. Did a coach reach out to you? Help others carry on that tradition at Antioch Sports Legends Museum. Call Tom Menasco (925) 325-3255

BeerFest 2013
Saturday April 6th | 12Noon - 4PM @ Schooner's Grille & Brewery, Antioch
A $20 donation gets you a souvenir beer glass, 10 beer samples, and a raffle ticket. Feel good about drinking beer.
Special Haven a local non-profit is providing a multi-sensory environment for the benefit and development of children and adults with Special Needs here in east county. They are raising money for a new sensory room for their special need visitors .
Purchase Your Tickets Online

Community Events Calendar
Easter Bunny Appearance, Dinner Cruises, Cesar Chavez Celebration, and more
It's all happening in Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley & Pittsburg

Tonight! | Take This Coupon With You

Check out the
Coupon Deals
See Automotive, Dining & Entertainment, Home & Garden Coupons for
Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley & Pittsburg

Kids Love Our Birthday Bowling Party's
Mom's Love No Mess!
Harvest Park Bowl
5000 Balfour Rd., Brentwood (925) 516-1221
Rock 'n Bowl Coupon | Birthday Party Coupon | Bowling Coupon
Website | See Video | Map
See What's Happening @ Lone Tree Golf & Event Center
Click the link above for advanced info on Easter Sunday Brunch, Wedding Event Faire, and our Tuesday Special
At The Lone Tree Golf Course, 4800 Golf Course Rd., Antioch, CA
For Reservations (925) 706-4233
Appetizer Coupon | Brunch Coupon | Sunday Brunch Menu
Weddings & Banquets | Business Lunch Catering | Business Lunch Catering Pg 2
Planning a Wedding or Banquet? We can elegantly seat 300. We hosted over 300 events last year.
We'd love to make your event special, for you, and your guests. Yes we can do offsite catering.
Call Kim in our catering office (925)706-4232.
Mariachi Every Thursday Night @ 6PM

What's Your Favorite Celia's Plate? Cancun Platter Fajitas Steak Picado Other
Celia's Mexican Restaurant
523 W. 10th Street
Antioch, CA
(925) 754-1355
Website | $8 Off Coupon
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Found some things AROUND TOWN that interested me and thought you might enjoy
Antioch Herald | Brentwood Press | Romick in Oakley | Pittsburg City Journal
110Mag | Delta Sun Times | Friends of Marsh Creek
KEGR Radio | Opportunity Junction | Claycord | Coupons in Concord

Ribbon cutting Thursday April 11th @ 5PM
Click the PHOTOS below for more info on each
Yes I'll work with your flyers. But remember you are just barely touching the tip of the iceburg. When you list your event on the Community Calendar the TEXT for your event is being indexed by all the search engines. Search engines only see a photo they don't read. What you want is #1st page position on every laptop, desktop, tablet and mobile phone. Flyers look nice in a magazine, and newspaper, or as a poster on a popular door but they are only slightly useful on the web. I'm happy to show you how to do it right. Yes I love your fliers but let's do it right the time is worth it!

Buy & Sell Oakley Real Estate with REALTY WORLD DELTA ISLAND
A. Jerry Fisher, Broker, Realtor, Cal Dre #00691518
(925) 281-4656

Day At The Races For Antioch Seniors?
Friday April 19th

$3.50 Hoppy Hour Pints, $6.75 Sampler, Half Price Mondays,
It's Always Good @ Schooner's Grille & Brewery, Antioch
$7 Off Coupon

Local fashionista Doris Hobbs has a blog and loves fashion. I love the name...

Get Found On The First Page of the Internet $195

Sergio "Rocking Chair" Romo
After two "no drama" saves in Dodger land this week I'm ready to give Sergio Romo the nickname "ROCKING CHAIR." This is so different from Brian Wilson who nearly always insisted, with a one run lead, to load the bases with no outs and struggle to get out of it. I like a 1,2,3 ninth inning. Also, I've been excited about watching the development of Crawford and Belt this year. I thought the success of the team hinged on it but how cool would it be if Hunter Pence has a breakout year? Lastly, I want to hear all Giant fans, everywhere, stomp and shout "MVP... MVP...MVP" everytime Buster Posey comes to the plate this year.

Meet Oakley young man Gavin Dorn #1 Academically in his class
A childhood friend of mine, Pat Dorn, just got back from his sons' Gavin's graduation ceremony near Chicago. He has chosen Special Ops, EOD and Air Rescue. I guess you can say Gavin likes excitement. I'm happy for his dad and proud he was raised in Oakley. Go East County!

Sweeney's Grill & Bar in Brentwood is closed for a remodel until May 1st. New outside dining, patio, bar and dining room. I can't wait to see the new and improved. I promise to keep you posted.

12th Annual Oakley Science Week Apr 20th thru Apr 27
A whole week of fun & education and it's free. Who knows you could be raising a great scientist.
more info

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Training & Support
Call Frank Today For A Free Consultation!
(925) 325-0934
The SPOTLIGHT is provided as a service to the community.
The sponsors take no responsibility for the accuracy of the data here.
It is always advisable to call ahead before attending any event.
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