TWO WEEKS of Irish Fun Starts Sunday Mar 10th. CAR BOMBS, TRASH CANS, IRISH WHISKEY & GUINNESS Specials!
Come down and get your Irish on!
Play Poker 7 Days A Week * Daily Drink Specials * 17 Hi-Def T.V.s * Free WIFI
Win $2,000 "NO BLARNEY TOURNAMENT" 2PM Sun Mar 24th 50 Players Only Reserve A Seat Now
19th Hole Casino & Lounge, 2746 West Tregallas, Antioch (925) 757-6545

Android Speaker Phone Users Tip
When looking for an event say NAME OF THE EVENT & YEAR and bam it takes you straight to EastCountyLive.com Community Calendar listing. Example "Network of Care Crab Feed 2013" I think that is very cool!

Joe's Crab Shack Coming To Antioch?
The rumor on the street is Joe's Crab Shack is coming to Antioch where Humphrey's was.
I like the idea. It would draw people from all over to downtown Antioch.
SF Menu | Yeah | Nay

Elvis is in the House for a dinner show at Cap's Restaurant in Brentwood
Saturday, March 16th
"It's Like being In Vegas"
Tickets $35
(925) 634-1025

Chowder Fest Saturday March 9th

Community Events Calendar
Comedy Shows, Crab Feeds, Car Shows, and more
It's all happening in Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley & Pittsburg

Have You Been To Bethel Island?
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Check out the EastCountyLive.com
Coupon Deals
See Automotive, Dining & Entertainment, Home & Garden Coupons for
Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley & Pittsburg

Click the Birthday Bowling Party Coupon below and save!
Harvest Park Bowl
5000 Balfour Rd., Brentwood (925) 516-1221
Rock 'n Bowl Coupon | Birthday Party Coupon | Bowling Coupon
Website | See Video | Map
See What's Happening @ Lone Tree Golf & Event Center
Click the link above for advanced info on Easter Sunday Brunch, Wedding Event Faire, and our Tuesday Special
At The Lone Tree Golf Course, 4800 Golf Course Rd., Antioch, CA
For Reservations (925) 706-4233
Appetizer Coupon | Brunch Coupon | Sunday Brunch Menu
Weddings & Banquets | Business Lunch Catering | Business Lunch Catering Pg 2
Planning a Wedding or Banquet? We can elegantly seat 300. We hosted over 300 events last year.
We'd love to make your event special, for you, and your guests. Yes we can do offsite catering.
Call Kim in our catering office (925)706-4232.
See What's Added to the St. Patrick's Day Brunch Menu Sun Mar 17th
Added to the Menu
Mariachi Every Thursday Night @ 6PM

What's Your Favorite Celia's Plate? Cancun Platter Fajitas Steak Picado Other
Celia's Mexican Restaurant
523 W. 10th Street
Antioch, CA
(925) 754-1355
Website | $8 Off Coupon
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Found some things AROUND TOWN that interested me and thought you might enjoy
Antioch Herald | Brentwood Press | Romick in Oakley | Pittsburg City Journal
110Mag | Delta Sun Times | Friends of Marsh Creek
KEGR Radio | Opportunity Junction | Claycord | Coupons in Concord

At The Lone Tree Golf Course, 4800 Golf Course Rd., Antioch, CA
For Reservations (925) 706-4233
Click the PHOTOS below for more info on each
Yes I'll work with your flyers. But remember you are just barely touching the tip of the iceburg. When you list your event on the Eastcountylive.com Community Calendar the TEXT for your event is being indexed by all the search engines. As it is the search engines only see a picture of your flyer and they don't read. What you want is #1st page position on every laptop, desktop, tablet and mobile phone. Flyers look nice in a magazine, and newspaper, or as a poster on a popular door but they are only slightly useful on the web. I'm happy to show you how to do it right. Yes I love your fliers but let's do it right the time is worth it!

Buy & Sell Oakley Real Estate with REALTY WORLD DELTA ISLAND
A. Jerry Fisher, Broker, Realtor, Cal Dre #00691518
(925) 281-4656

East County Technology Group Lunch
Tuesday March 12th @ 12 Noon in Brentwood
Businesses with technology questions, meet local professionals, in a relaxed, fun and productive way.
Bring your website traffic & maintenance issues, email marketing questions, security, reputation management, mobile app., questions to the lunch and get answers.
FREE! In Brentwood.
For Reservations Call 325-0934

$3.50 Hoppy Hour Pints, $6.75 Sampler, Half Price Mondays,
It's Always Good @ Schooner's Grille & Brewery, Antioch
$7 Off Coupon

Would You Like To See A East County Wedding Guide?
You know a list of just East Countys' Venues, Caterers, Photographers, Bakeries, etc.
Yes I'm planning a wedding this year | No I'm looking for a divorce attorney
Do it I Will Run An Ad In It.

Get Found On The First Page of the Internet $195

Peggy Didn't Feel Like Cookin' Tuesday
So it was scrounge for leftovers, frozen food, make something, or pick something up. I chose to pick something up. I had a $50 gift certificate to Schooner's Grille & Brewery in Antioch, and decided to cash it in. So I got there in time for HOPPY HOUR and had a couple Scottish Ambers while I waited for the Chinese Chicken Salad, Chicken Fettucini and Jambalaya to be ready. The total, with beers, and tax $48. I took it home for a buffet style dinner with Peggy. There was plenty of food leftover for lunch yesterday for both of us, perfect! This was the first time I had tasted any of these three dishes. We both liked everything. But I'll be back real fast for that Chinese Chicken salad @ $11.79. Lots of fruit, chicken, and greens served with a spicy chinese salad dressing. It was awesome! I took this photo with my phone, emailed it to my laptop, photoshoped it a bit, and here you go, not bad huh?

Tips From A Real Irishman
"Don't let your yolk lag lads or it'll curdle in your hand" from the best seller "How To Drink Like An Irishman" courtesy of Rachelle, EastCountyLive.com and the 19th Hole Casino & Lounge, Antioch.
(translation drink your Irish Car Bomb cocktail fast or it gets yucky)

For all of us who are getting long in the tooth and worrying about it
"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver."
~Author, Unknown
sent in by Elaine P., in Oakley. Thanks Elaine that is a sweet photo of me and Peggy in 40 years!!!

I Hope BASES LOADED Reopens April 1st
Boy I miss this place. The food was OK (if you knew what to order and who was cooking), the service spotty (I'm being kind) and the place was generally dirty but I loved this place. Great building, nice patio, strong WIFI, and downtown. I spent way too much time down there, but I'm ready to do it again! I drive by it almost everyday and they are busy inside working. I don't know what they are doing the place is only three years old. I still think this is the best thing to happen in downtown Antioch in the 40 years. Thanks Terry Karp for giving us this special place.

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Call Frank Today For A Free Consultation!
(925) 325-0934
The SPOTLIGHT is provided as a service to the community.
The sponsors take no responsibility for the accuracy of the data here.
It is always advisable to call ahead before attending any event.
All copyrights reserved www.eastcountylive.com.